The Weak No Trump (12-14) Introduction: In standard 1NT shows 15-17. With this range generally the partnership is safe at 1NT or 2 of a suit. However the 1NT opening does not come up all that often. In any case, most people try to disrupt the partnership's bidding after opening 1NT. For the most part such disruptions are successful since rarely is the hand theirs when an opponent's hand holds 15-17. On the flip side of the standard 1NT is the weak no trump showing 12-14 (a very good 11 could also be opened). Although it is not as "safe" as the strong 1NT, the weak no trump has some merits: 1) it occurs much more often and if partner does not have enough for game and does not have a suit, then the partnership would have probably ended at 1NT anyway. 2) the opponents are less likely to know what to lead. This is especially true when the bidding goes 1NT-3NT. At other tables the bidding may have proceeded: 1C-1H, 1NT-3NT giving the opponents reasons for not leading a suit. 3) when partner has absolutely nothing, it is likely the opponents have a partscore or even game in their hands. 4) people are more apt to bid over a weak no trump opening. When they do so indiscriminantly their side is likely to get a bad score since their partners are usually screwed when they hold a good hand. (Against a weak no trump, the opponents are just as likely to have the balance of the points--- or even game--- as the opening side, so disruptive overcalls are disruptive--- to the opening side). The weak no trump hand: It is a balanced hand of 12-14 hcp. It denies a void, singleton, and a 5 card major. A good 11 point hand could also be opened 1NT if it has a good 2 1/2 tricks. 1NT could also be opened on a bad 15 (ie some points are duplicated--- like QJ doubleton). Responding: Responder generally knows where the hand should be played. With 0-6 hcp, responder should usually run to a suit contract--- unless responder is also balanced--- in that case he may decide to just have partner "stick it out" at 1NT. With 7-10 responder knows that 1NT is safe and usually does not run unless he has a 5 card major. With 11 responder invites game (except in a minor, of course). With 12+ responder knows game is there and should make sure the partnership is there. I prefer to use 4 suit transfers myself, but any other response structure is fine. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening a minor when using a weak no trump: An opening of a minor would now show either: a) an unbalanced hand with 5+ of the minor, or b) a strong balanced hand With a minimum hand, opener makes minimum bids (but never rebids in NT until later in the bidding). With a good balanced hand, opener must still make jumping rebids: 1C -1H 3H shows 4 hearts and 15-17 balanced But rebidding 1NT shows 15-17 balanced: 1C -1H 1NT shows 15-17 balanced but denies a 4 card spade suit Some sequences: 1D -1H opener has 4 spades and 11-19 points. (opener could have a 1S balanced 15-19 hcp). 1C -1D 1NT opener has 15-17 balanced 1C -1D 1H opener has 11-17 unbalanced with 5+ clubs and 4 hearts 1C -1D 2H opener has 17+ unbalanced with 5+ clubs and 4 hearts 1C -1D 2C opener has 11-17 unbalanced with 5+ clubs 1D -1H 3D opener has 17+ unbalanced with 5+ diamonds (usually 6+) 1D -1S 2NT opener has 18-19 balanced with less than 4 card spade support 1D -1H opener has an unbalanced hand with 4 card heart support 2H rarely 3 card support. 1D -1S opener has 5+ diamonds and 4+ clubs with 11-17 2C 1D -1S 2H opener is reversing! shows 17+ with 5+ diamonds and 4 hearts